by TWYNB | Feb 3, 2019 | Better Out Than In, Careers, Hobbies, McLaren, Strengths, Talent, Unleash Your Niche
Workshop 1 was a huge success, here’s a link to the photos and below are Workshop 1 achievements: Our members’ mental heath improved on average by 40% within 3 hours We recorded how our members felt when they arrived and when they left. We asked them to pick...
by TWYNB | Oct 28, 2018 | Ballet, Boundaries, Careers, Dance, Glendale Theatre and Arts, Maths, School, Talent
Welcome to the first Talent Within You blog. We have received enquiries as to why we have added “No Boundaries” to our name. The answer is simple; a boundary is a line which marks the limits of an area or a dividing line. Very often, boundaries mean we...
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