Talent Within You: No Boundaries
Our vision is:
All young people have unleashed their niche and are living purposeful, happy lives, making street crime history and improving mental health for all.
Our mission is:
We use our own talents to enable children aged 13-16 to discover and nurture their talents:
- For those children who haven’t yet discovered their talent, they may apply to attend our seven month workshop programme run by DBS checked volunteer coaches. At the end of the programme, children will become talented children with purpose, have an impressive CV to keep adding to, and will be offered opportunities to develop their talent and lead a fulfilling life.
- Talent Within You: No Boundaries is called such because we have evidence that children who are talented in Maths are also talented in Music and they should not have to choose. We don’t believe there are any boundaries on talent.
- Once children have successfully discovered and nurtured their talent, they become Peer Buddies (mentors) to new buddy members. Peer Buddy membership fee is free. This is to encourage long term partnerships with our beneficiaries for the good of everyone who wants to achieve our vision.
- Everyone at Talent Within You works on a voluntary basis and their hours will be recorded and presented on a certificate annually.
- We will work with the business community and voluntary organisations on an international, national, regional and local basis so we can reach more children and increase our impact. We will do this by working with the business community.
Our values are:
- Everyone has a talent. It’s a matter of discovering it, nurturing it, strengthening it.
- We believe that every young person should feel a sense of community and our workshops promote this.
- Talent Within You creates shared valued at all times.
- Everyone at Talent Within You is encouraged to become a peer mentor; children, coaches, volunteers.
- Talent Within You is a Learning Organisation and we promote action learning.
- Everyone who is part of Talent Within You will respect others, respect the club and respect themselves.
Discover your talent
Nurture your talent
Promote your talent
Use the form below to book our Unleash Your Niche workshop.
The workshops costs £3.50 and if you book all seven, you get one workshop free.
We will send you payment details once you have registered.
You will automatically receive free membership to Talent Within You.
You will receive regular life hacks and opportunities to discover and nurture your passion, help you be happy every day and overcome negative, judgemental people and situations in and out of school.
Be a winner every day. What are you waiting for? Please read our privacy policy.
Talent Within You: No Boundaries – Please read this before signing up. It explains everything you need to know.
You are signing up to join free membership with Talent Within You. We will email you with life hacks which enable you to grow your talent and develop your niche. We will also signpost you exciting opportunities but never pass your your information to third parties. You can leave at any time by unsubscribing.
If you live in Worthing, you can become a member of our Unleash Your Niche Club, please state this on the form.
Unleash Your Niche workshops have room for 50 children aged 14-16. Anyone living in Worthing and surrounding areas can apply. Applications will be assessed on two factors: child's intended commitment to all workshops, and commitment to become peer mentors and enable other children once they have successfully achieved their award.
- Unleash your Niche workshops begin in January cost £25 for 7 workshops. Thats approximately £3.50 per workshop. Meet other young people with the same mindset as you. Learn from with inspirational speakers and you will be given our very own journals to personalise and keep to help develop you. There are opportunities for internships, placements and voluntary work to develop your strengths.
McLaren Automotive has offered two beneficiaries from Talent Within You an internship for one year at McLaren in Woking.
Glendale Theatre and Arts has offered one scholarship for one of our young people who has completed our course.
We are continually seeking further placement opportunities and will be reporting these back.
Members must have completed all workshops and their workbooks in order to qualify for an interview.
Join Talent Within You today – it's FREE!

- We will be holding monthly Saturday workshops from October 2018 lasting 1.5 hours to help find and nurture talent within children aged 10-16.
- We have room for 50 children on a first come first served basis.
- To take part in our workshops, children will need to become buddy members. Buddies will work though our coaching workbooks.
- After nine months and successful completion of their workbook, Buddies will become Golden Buddies and will be ready to seize opportunities we find to nurture their talent.
- Membership fee is £25pa which covers the cost of the workshops and workbooks. This is payable shortly because it shows commitment and helps us to establish numbers to run workshops. agree to become Peer Buddies and inspire new members to discover and nurture their talent.
- Commitment will be required from members and their families in order to compete the workbook and be awarded a certificate to go onto the next stage.
- Children that take part and complete will be required to become peer mentors for the next intake of children we help.
- You will need to commit to attending all nine workshops from October 2018 to June 2019.
- Workshops will most likely be the second Saturday in each month, but this is to be confirmed.
- Members must promise to at all times, respect others, respect our club and respect themselves.